Friday, October 12, 2007
I'd dan (well) rather be here than anywhere else
I just transfered all my blogs below so now i can keep them all in one place, forever. and i'll show my children when they are young and then print them all copies before i die and have them leatherbound. they will cry because they will have forgotten and then will remember and then show their children so they could get an idea of their gammy even though they may not get to know her as well based on time restraints but on my deathbed in my living room when they come to visit i will be able to tell that we have a real understanding of one another. "I am so excitied for the rest of my life right now" I said this today and didn't even realise it until it came out. charlie understood
August 27, 2007
today and the following four days will, i believe, be the most mysterious of my life to date. i can't put my self there i cannot see myself walking away from this computer to go do my laundry that so desperatly needs to be done to go to the beach to baby sit kaya to wake up in new york tomorrow to go to orientation/ it can't be done. whatever the chances what're the chances? water the chances. we'll talk, i'm sure.
May 16, 2007
some suffixes are useless and problematic. You are not spiritual; you are spirit. Do not practice to be religious, but religion. Mysteries exist but nothing is mysterious, it's just pointing out it's lack of attention. and your lack of span of such so fuckin pay some. everything you see is for you! to take or to leave for others to enjoy, consequences are fleeting and sharing is holy. you can't go wrong, errors are a fabrication! there are no takes or retakes or mistakes. if you're doin it then you're doin it right
April 28, 2007
young blood old soul
sometime throughout the day i heard these thoughts out loud
"i hate meat cuz i love animals, i hate milk cuz i love cows, i hate my pops cuz i love my moms"
I forget how judgemental people are, myself included. from now on i am going to try to apply a reason for everything i feel. not that its needed but i think it's telling to say the least. off to a good start. I LOVE YOU CAUSE I WONNA
sometime throughout the day i heard these thoughts out loud
"i hate meat cuz i love animals, i hate milk cuz i love cows, i hate my pops cuz i love my moms"
I forget how judgemental people are, myself included. from now on i am going to try to apply a reason for everything i feel. not that its needed but i think it's telling to say the least. off to a good start. I LOVE YOU CAUSE I WONNA
April 01, 2007
shimmy yam shimmy yay now
books don't make you skinny. and reading about diets isn't the same thing and i am going to smoke enough cigarettes to make a car out of ash and drive you far far away from me. as far away from me as you've made me feel from myself, or everything i relate myself to. like my house. but people (a person) can't "make" people (a person) do anything i suppose. nothing can be made, nor destroyed as we all know. but until recently i had taken that for granted. kind of, or exactally, like in brave new world when they try teaching the kids things in their sleep- to where they can recite the information but not be questioned about it. the other day it really racked my brain and left a hole in the wall and a table overturned. i'm trying to clean things up. if matter cannot be created or destroyed neither can anything that matters. relationships certainly cannot be destroyed and if we believe that we are all from the same batter, as i do, they cannot be created either... we are born related to eachother. it just depends on when we decide to pick back up. i am going to start now, i entered an apartment last night where i felt i had been before. not because i had taken the virtual tour on but almost. a girl beaded jewlery and kids experimented on a keyboard, some painted and pasteled and i smoked a bowl. i am going to finish up what needs to be finished and leave the rest for my ghost. she can clean my room and make apologies, i'll take care of the now. i hope beezwax washes out easily.
books don't make you skinny. and reading about diets isn't the same thing and i am going to smoke enough cigarettes to make a car out of ash and drive you far far away from me. as far away from me as you've made me feel from myself, or everything i relate myself to. like my house. but people (a person) can't "make" people (a person) do anything i suppose. nothing can be made, nor destroyed as we all know. but until recently i had taken that for granted. kind of, or exactally, like in brave new world when they try teaching the kids things in their sleep- to where they can recite the information but not be questioned about it. the other day it really racked my brain and left a hole in the wall and a table overturned. i'm trying to clean things up. if matter cannot be created or destroyed neither can anything that matters. relationships certainly cannot be destroyed and if we believe that we are all from the same batter, as i do, they cannot be created either... we are born related to eachother. it just depends on when we decide to pick back up. i am going to start now, i entered an apartment last night where i felt i had been before. not because i had taken the virtual tour on but almost. a girl beaded jewlery and kids experimented on a keyboard, some painted and pasteled and i smoked a bowl. i am going to finish up what needs to be finished and leave the rest for my ghost. she can clean my room and make apologies, i'll take care of the now. i hope beezwax washes out easily.
March 18, 2007
i don't know but
mama said knock you out
someone plug the hole in my aggression dam, please
mama said knock you out
someone plug the hole in my aggression dam, please
March 13, 2007
i often confuse traits of babies and puppies. like i'll pet an infant or coo at a pup, but it doesn't really matter because i have such respect for both of them i almost feel its fitting. at times when i feel my best i feel like a child. "i am not a child no i am much younger than that" i just love studing kids. it's like they're always on drugs (for lack of a better explanation). you see them running their faces through racks of clothes and rubbing and touching everything. this often inspires me which often inspires parents to pull their children away from me. my children will change the world. or maybe thats my dog.
March 12, 2007
thats your problem fuck you
everything is enjoyable in some respect. we create gods to destroy mystery while forgetting or disregaurding that that is impossible. we had a crime problem so we solved it with cops. now we have a cop problem. matter cannot be created or destroyed and neither can i. or you. you matter to me
everything is enjoyable in some respect. we create gods to destroy mystery while forgetting or disregaurding that that is impossible. we had a crime problem so we solved it with cops. now we have a cop problem. matter cannot be created or destroyed and neither can i. or you. you matter to me
February 19, 2007
softer than my face would suggest
i took my bandages off today and it was highly anticlimactic. a fucking scab. sasha dug it though. she licked it like an ice cream cone and although it didn't feel particularly pleasent it was the best thing about my day. it's just so wild how well aquipt we are, as animals, to make eachother feel "better". like how bad does skin beg to be rubbed? and how easy is it for someone to answer that request with nothing more than what we're born with? and why does it feel so much better from someone else? why are cuts dirty and dogs mouths clean? are these everyday miracles, or have we adapted our needs to fit our limitations of our bodies? i don't know. i'd just as soon say no one knows but i don't even feel qualified enough to comment. i watched 7 episodes of law and order today. maybe i'll stay at a holiday inn express tonight, then you can ask me tomorrow: i'll take you sky diving.
i took my bandages off today and it was highly anticlimactic. a fucking scab. sasha dug it though. she licked it like an ice cream cone and although it didn't feel particularly pleasent it was the best thing about my day. it's just so wild how well aquipt we are, as animals, to make eachother feel "better". like how bad does skin beg to be rubbed? and how easy is it for someone to answer that request with nothing more than what we're born with? and why does it feel so much better from someone else? why are cuts dirty and dogs mouths clean? are these everyday miracles, or have we adapted our needs to fit our limitations of our bodies? i don't know. i'd just as soon say no one knows but i don't even feel qualified enough to comment. i watched 7 episodes of law and order today. maybe i'll stay at a holiday inn express tonight, then you can ask me tomorrow: i'll take you sky diving.
February 06, 2007
my dog treats me like a queen and is my best friend in the world. i threw llello a house warming party today and she repays me by devoting her life to escaping her new pink prison. i will celebrate by spending my night watching joyride and finishing still life with woodpecker. i'm being ambitious. you are being jealous. stop it. just because i am class individualist! and am doomed to never have my picture taken and keep my soul intact until my dying breath. hold a picture up, guys, and sneak one in with amanda emily liz and chris in the backround, too. heaven on earth.
February 5, 2007
elected on friday assassinated on saturday
my dad had some dick surgery today and my aunt came i guess for moral support but i really think that if she had a hit list, or even an assassin for a friend, i'd be getting more make-up put on me then i would have ever allowed with a pulse. i'm going to buy a castle tomorrow. with a built-in water bottle. and a wheel; i would dig her a mote had i an aligator. i plan on going to new york tomorrow but it's supposed to be negative 18 degrees so i might bag that, yanno i aint into all that negative shit. maybe ill just huddle in llello's tunnel and watch the science of sleep, maybe with some sweet potato soup. maybe i'll call sarah for some jokes, i don't like lists to go to waste. or much else for that matter, sleep maybe? is that wasteable? i dont believe so. i think being that it itself is an act, and a renewable one at that its impossible for it to ever be a waste. test: food is wasteable because it is an object and not indespencable. eating would be sleeps equivilent i guess but could also be wasted because someone in dire need could better utilize it. mmm well i guess sleep could be wasted on the "not as tired" if there is a common balance of work being done in the world and only a scale number of people can be sleeping at a time- yes, then that would be a waste. but i assure you this sleep that is about to take place in this room, is vital. actually i don't think i'm even awake right now. i hope not becuase this dream would be a lot better than the ones i've been having. fuck. i told you i;ve got important things to purchase tomorrow! i sleep for money! i live for money! giveeeeeeeee if i ever become president i would make money and love synonomous. and god and you. amen.
my dad had some dick surgery today and my aunt came i guess for moral support but i really think that if she had a hit list, or even an assassin for a friend, i'd be getting more make-up put on me then i would have ever allowed with a pulse. i'm going to buy a castle tomorrow. with a built-in water bottle. and a wheel; i would dig her a mote had i an aligator. i plan on going to new york tomorrow but it's supposed to be negative 18 degrees so i might bag that, yanno i aint into all that negative shit. maybe ill just huddle in llello's tunnel and watch the science of sleep, maybe with some sweet potato soup. maybe i'll call sarah for some jokes, i don't like lists to go to waste. or much else for that matter, sleep maybe? is that wasteable? i dont believe so. i think being that it itself is an act, and a renewable one at that its impossible for it to ever be a waste. test: food is wasteable because it is an object and not indespencable. eating would be sleeps equivilent i guess but could also be wasted because someone in dire need could better utilize it. mmm well i guess sleep could be wasted on the "not as tired" if there is a common balance of work being done in the world and only a scale number of people can be sleeping at a time- yes, then that would be a waste. but i assure you this sleep that is about to take place in this room, is vital. actually i don't think i'm even awake right now. i hope not becuase this dream would be a lot better than the ones i've been having. fuck. i told you i;ve got important things to purchase tomorrow! i sleep for money! i live for money! giveeeeeeeee if i ever become president i would make money and love synonomous. and god and you. amen.
January 29, 2007
i'm getting surgery next wednesday and can't get high for a week before hand so if anyone wants to smoke me up... please do so before this thursday
thank you i love you
thank you i love you
January 22, 2007
ife's a grave, dig it
i dont want to fall asleep because i don't want to wake up thismorning. my mouse is looking quite restless; but she gets comfortable.
i used to be so sure
i dont want to fall asleep because i don't want to wake up thismorning. my mouse is looking quite restless; but she gets comfortable.
i used to be so sure
January 01, 2007
does anyone remember laughter?
new years resolution: don't promise to not do anything
"i'll try anything once" yeah it may sound like a line strictly for late teen early twenties singles to use when introducing themselves on dating shows, such as next which i watched 7 episodes of today. but it's a healthy motto; amanda and i had discussed this once- mentioning how in and around 4th grade when first learning about drugs (which back then i didn't even know about any other than weeed), how we swore never to go near them and how disgusting they were when now we realise its not that big of a deal, and that it can infact enhance ones life. so then who are we to say that anything else we were taught was bad, is? its just what gandhi said about testing theories before agreeing or disagreeing, and every fact is just a theory.. theoretically. because all "reality" in life is based on not dying, staying alive if you will.. but no one even knows what happens when we die.... maybe we should be trying to. maybe thats whay its so easy to die, especially in the beginning of humanity. maybe we are here by accident and "god" created diseases to get us to move on... this isnt my theory or anyones maybe, i'm just making a closing argument. so this year i'm going to do whatever the fuck i want and i look forward to finding out what that is. I AM TIME MAGAZINES PERSON OF THE YEAR... ME! nice to meet you, taint stain.
love in 2007:
skin, breath, paint, family, weed, sasha, borders, nichole, emily, glass, justin, jeans, ink, amanda, sarah, chris, food, fuel, television, steph, books, bruce, liz, bubby, albert, vodka, of montreal, planes, seasons, sean, cigarettes, bob dyaln, moisturiser, communication, mrs. staten, alyssa, shoes, beginnings
new years resolution: don't promise to not do anything
"i'll try anything once" yeah it may sound like a line strictly for late teen early twenties singles to use when introducing themselves on dating shows, such as next which i watched 7 episodes of today. but it's a healthy motto; amanda and i had discussed this once- mentioning how in and around 4th grade when first learning about drugs (which back then i didn't even know about any other than weeed), how we swore never to go near them and how disgusting they were when now we realise its not that big of a deal, and that it can infact enhance ones life. so then who are we to say that anything else we were taught was bad, is? its just what gandhi said about testing theories before agreeing or disagreeing, and every fact is just a theory.. theoretically. because all "reality" in life is based on not dying, staying alive if you will.. but no one even knows what happens when we die.... maybe we should be trying to. maybe thats whay its so easy to die, especially in the beginning of humanity. maybe we are here by accident and "god" created diseases to get us to move on... this isnt my theory or anyones maybe, i'm just making a closing argument. so this year i'm going to do whatever the fuck i want and i look forward to finding out what that is. I AM TIME MAGAZINES PERSON OF THE YEAR... ME! nice to meet you, taint stain.
love in 2007:
skin, breath, paint, family, weed, sasha, borders, nichole, emily, glass, justin, jeans, ink, amanda, sarah, chris, food, fuel, television, steph, books, bruce, liz, bubby, albert, vodka, of montreal, planes, seasons, sean, cigarettes, bob dyaln, moisturiser, communication, mrs. staten, alyssa, shoes, beginnings
December 09, 2006
am a transexual gay man in a woman's body
i've come to hate things discriminated by sex: colonge, clothes, shoes, bathrooms, face wash, glasses, his and her towels, and now a fucking tv
FINALLY! a tv for both men and women, cause you know we were all sick and fucking tired of not being able to watch a television show with the opposite sex. the bravia, i think it's sony. style and preformance. style for the bitches and preformance for the macho machozzzz, its just so midevil.
so all you mother fuckers that wait for the single girls room when there is an open single boys room in a public place.. evolve already, if anything they should be divided by the nerds who squat and use those pussy seat covers and the people who don't mind a little random indirect human contact. or herpes whatever, but i love you just loosen up
wheres the dolphin bathroom at?
i've come to hate things discriminated by sex: colonge, clothes, shoes, bathrooms, face wash, glasses, his and her towels, and now a fucking tv
FINALLY! a tv for both men and women, cause you know we were all sick and fucking tired of not being able to watch a television show with the opposite sex. the bravia, i think it's sony. style and preformance. style for the bitches and preformance for the macho machozzzz, its just so midevil.
so all you mother fuckers that wait for the single girls room when there is an open single boys room in a public place.. evolve already, if anything they should be divided by the nerds who squat and use those pussy seat covers and the people who don't mind a little random indirect human contact. or herpes whatever, but i love you just loosen up
wheres the dolphin bathroom at?
November 19, 2006
my thoughts have been a little blocked up as of late but they don't make a clr for everything so i'm going to try and let this flow, in the mall at midnight on saturday we spotted a man who had to have been made from the same mold as the dude from babel and the science of sleep. a movie i had anticipated the release of for almost too long when an old friend had sent me a link to the trailer practically a year before it opened in red bank. he had since moved on and not feeling complacent with seeing it with anyone else i went alone. i sat next to the empty spaces for wheelchairs in a seat with no attachments. i huddled my knees wide eyed from start to finish. as i left the theater i dreaded the walk to my car knowing i'd have to drive home when all i wanted to do was think unconditionally. when i got on the parkway instead of drifting to the left lane immediatly my instincts were hindered/ i cruised on the far right with no regaurd for the road. i used to have a problem with having to look at everyones face that passed me on the road, but at the time i forgot my own face, my name.. after all they are merely brief and false advertisements for a soul i had far too much of. my father had always been an aggressive driver, so much so it contributed greatly to my parents divorce. on that ride home as i became what i had hated, an unaware driver i had a revelation: imagine if everyone on the road i had ever snarrled at in my mind for being so careless had just left something as amazing as that movie- or more likely even greater than, i believe road rage is 100% contributed to people being angry that anyone else has something more important on their mind than driving, these people become so jealous and aggrevated that they don't have something more important to tease themselves with and react in outrage instead of finding that niche. between the statistics of death everyday and how many people we see everyday even if only in passing its likely that we see someone on the last day of their life once a week. i've been confusing my dreams with reality so much lately. but i am sure that big daddy makes me cry more than any movie and that lifted will always remind me of sarah and that holding someones hand can cure them and we can turn everything around if we waant to see some butts. i love you and you can never be too good to yourself//////////////////////////////////<3
October 3, 2006
i keep typing things and then deleting them and not posting anything, it's funny like you could have known so much more than what i'm telling you now, three times over, but i've deleted them all
August 24, 2006
i went to the angelika today to see the movie half nelson at 12:15, i saw quincienera yesterday at chelsea clearview at 2:41. Both were incredible. I cried durring both for a cumulative time of probably two hours. i ate half of a 5 lb grilled veggie soy cheese tofu sour cream burritto after yesterdays (2.5lbs) and and a 1.12lb take out of the hot buffet from garden of eden. I have to leave in 15 minutes to baby-sit baby Elle. She is 14 months old and probably 15lbs. thats like 4 of my lunches over a span of 2 days. though i think she'll be more fun than a pile of regurgetated food. it's raining and i am super psyked. i think i saw someone dead today. he was laying on the ground with saliva all over his face. a black man yelled at him to get up but he didnt respond. i stopped and asked if he needed help and he said the guy just wouldn't get up, but he would. i didn't think so. but he was convienced, enough. i hope it isnt raining when i get home tonight because i was planning on going to the beach. oh that'd be nice.
August 15, 2006
i'm packing all my shit up now to leave the place i've grown so accustomed to in the past 2 weeks. for the parents of a woman i despise. shes cleaning for them now. shes taking down my pictures and throwning out my old flowers and bottles i had in the window. and i've never been happier that i left my bangs in the sink and blood on the sheets.
August 14, 2006
chamomile, a beck scored film, duo live, and a house fly; thank you Meryl of the m15 bus
chamomile, a beck scored film, duo live, and a house fly; thank you Meryl of the m15 bus
July 23, 2006
Name: jillian
birthday: august 29
Current Location: seaside heights
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Your heritage: english german irish italian
Your fears: i'd hate to be fat
Your weakness: pictures make me weak
Your perfect pizza: sicilian no cheese tomatoes
Your thoughts first waking up: my eyes are going to fall out
Your best physical feature: i like my sweaty palms
Your bedtime: i should make one, 10 o clock
Your most missed memory: i have all of my memories
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonald's
Single or group dates: thats stupid
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: very vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
Smoke: wo0ooooo0o
Cuss: i don't know what that means
Take a shower: no
Have a crush: on the world
Think you've been in love: with everything
Like(d) school: always
Want to get married: yeah
Think you're a health freak: should be
Drank alcohol: mmmmm
Gone to the mall: yes
Been on stage: on the boardwalk
Eaten Sushi: yes sweeeeeeeeet potato!
dumped: no
Gone skating: boarding
Played a stripping game: yes it wasn't as scandalous as i had anticipated
Gotten beaten up: i got bloody with a girl once
Changed who you were to fit in: i don't believe anyone does that
Age your hoping to be married: i don't care
Best eye color: whatever
Best hair color: whatever
Short or long hair: whatever
1 MINUTE AGO: applying ointment to my cousins tattoo
1 HOUR AGO: waking up
1 WEEK AGO: i believe i was out to breakfast
1 YEAR AGO: i would have been at the beach right now
I LOVE: excess
I FEEL: love
I HATE: hate
I HIDE: sometimes
I MISS: sarah
I NEED: sarah
Name: jillian
birthday: august 29
Current Location: seaside heights
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Your heritage: english german irish italian
Your fears: i'd hate to be fat
Your weakness: pictures make me weak
Your perfect pizza: sicilian no cheese tomatoes
Your thoughts first waking up: my eyes are going to fall out
Your best physical feature: i like my sweaty palms
Your bedtime: i should make one, 10 o clock
Your most missed memory: i have all of my memories
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonald's
Single or group dates: thats stupid
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: very vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
Smoke: wo0ooooo0o
Cuss: i don't know what that means
Take a shower: no
Have a crush: on the world
Think you've been in love: with everything
Like(d) school: always
Want to get married: yeah
Think you're a health freak: should be
Drank alcohol: mmmmm
Gone to the mall: yes
Been on stage: on the boardwalk
Eaten Sushi: yes sweeeeeeeeet potato!
dumped: no
Gone skating: boarding
Played a stripping game: yes it wasn't as scandalous as i had anticipated
Gotten beaten up: i got bloody with a girl once
Changed who you were to fit in: i don't believe anyone does that
Age your hoping to be married: i don't care
Best eye color: whatever
Best hair color: whatever
Short or long hair: whatever
1 MINUTE AGO: applying ointment to my cousins tattoo
1 HOUR AGO: waking up
1 WEEK AGO: i believe i was out to breakfast
1 YEAR AGO: i would have been at the beach right now
I LOVE: excess
I FEEL: love
I HATE: hate
I HIDE: sometimes
I MISS: sarah
I NEED: sarah
July 16, 2006
dear ocean,
you hugged me, today, for the first time this summer. i've missed you. the sun was strong and i forgot it while you held me. my toes burnt and my freckles flourished as i floated. i believe i'm in love. education tells me i'm a city girl. but my heart belongs to the salt water. afterall, it's always ourselves we find in the sea. i will see you tomorrow. thank you.
you hugged me, today, for the first time this summer. i've missed you. the sun was strong and i forgot it while you held me. my toes burnt and my freckles flourished as i floated. i believe i'm in love. education tells me i'm a city girl. but my heart belongs to the salt water. afterall, it's always ourselves we find in the sea. i will see you tomorrow. thank you.
July 12, 2006
ust got out of the shower. it was probably my favorite one ever. i really needed it, for cleansing, and well i guess the other need would kind of be cleansing too. i had just gotten back from riding my bike to see amanda and it was a little rainy. my ipod was set to shuffle but just kept playing man man van helsing boombox so i danced all the way home. stripped down got in the shower and i got dr broners lemon hemp soap in my eyes. i closed my eyes tight and rubbed my face and for the first time ever when i opened my eyes i kind of wished i hadn't. like it was sweet though, like i dont feel now likw i wish i was dead, and not even dead but just like, not here. but at that moment i was completely positive about it. ohhh monumentalz. i'm mental. i like that.woah of montreal october is eternal thankyouuuuuu
July 11, 2006
i remember halloween
when my aunt left today she cried and i felt nothing. later i told my mom that and cried, i'm thinking more upset about the idea of being numb. whatever- it was pretty. sasha was so excited to see me thismorning i sat in my bed to read and she paced back and forth in front of it, i helped her up and she snuggled with me. i startled and pushed her away remembering that i had seen her running in the tick infested median, but squeezed her again when i realized that was a dream and that she can't run up there anymore. theres glitter imbedded in my carpet from my dads second cousins grandaughter maxine whom i met yesterday. we made pictures in my room durring my dads birthday party; at one point she told me to "put down your coffee and come dance with me," she was two. family is funny, i feel no obligation to like them due to blood or anything but most of them i really do just like. like most people i guess. i'm going to go up to j street and like nichole. like like like, i like that word. maybe thats why i say it so much, or maybe its because i used to studder. no i think its because i like it. "I don't call myself a poet because i don't like the word. I am a trapeeze artist." -Bob Dylan
when my aunt left today she cried and i felt nothing. later i told my mom that and cried, i'm thinking more upset about the idea of being numb. whatever- it was pretty. sasha was so excited to see me thismorning i sat in my bed to read and she paced back and forth in front of it, i helped her up and she snuggled with me. i startled and pushed her away remembering that i had seen her running in the tick infested median, but squeezed her again when i realized that was a dream and that she can't run up there anymore. theres glitter imbedded in my carpet from my dads second cousins grandaughter maxine whom i met yesterday. we made pictures in my room durring my dads birthday party; at one point she told me to "put down your coffee and come dance with me," she was two. family is funny, i feel no obligation to like them due to blood or anything but most of them i really do just like. like most people i guess. i'm going to go up to j street and like nichole. like like like, i like that word. maybe thats why i say it so much, or maybe its because i used to studder. no i think its because i like it. "I don't call myself a poet because i don't like the word. I am a trapeeze artist." -Bob Dylan
July 4, 2006
i know, and i said forget it
A - Available: usually
A - Age: 16
A - Annoyance: the current smell of my room
B - Best Friend: nichole and amanda
B - Beer: guiness, which i just found out isnt veganfukkkk
B - Birthday: august 29th
C - Crush: the human race
C - Car: 89 bmw
C - Candy: commerce bank lollypops
D - Day or night: day
D - Dream Car: a free one that runs on loveee
D - Dog or cat: doggie
E - Easiest person to talk to: nichole
E - Eggs: no chicken periods for me, thank you
E - Email:
F - Favorite Month: may
F - Favorite color(s): red
F - Favorite Memory: probably california
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Giver or taker: giverrrr
G - Gum: no
H - Hair Color: brown
H - Height: 5'8
H - Happy: yeahhh
I - Ice Cream: wawa
I - Instrument: percussion
I - Idol: i like my popop alot
J - Jewelry: bug bracelet from insectropolis
J - Job: natttttural foodzZzzz
J - Jail: maybe
K - Kids: are the future, i love them
K - Kickboxing or karate: sarah kickboxing
K - Kindergarten: i peed my pants just about everyday
L - Longest Car Ride: FLA with the spices
L - Longest relationship: 4 months
L - Last Kiss: a last kiss, thats tragic, these are beginning kisses
M - Milk Flavor: ouuu very vanilla
M - Most missed person: sarah
M - Movie Last Watched: before sunrise
N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Number of Tattoos: 0
N - Name: Jillian Joyce Camera
O - One Wish: that i could spend the rest of my life laughing, (i'm sorry i cant think of anything better than that)
O - One Fear: not being fearless
O - One regret: oh don't do that
P - Part of your body you like best: feet
P - Part of your personality: my mell
Q - Quote: damnright that sluts my bitch she fuckin sucked my goddamn dick, haha i love that
Q - Question for the next person: do you believe in magic?
Q - Quick or Slow: slow
R - Random thought: i wish i had more birthmarks
R - Reasons to smile: sasha
R - Reasons to cry: to refresh
S - Song Last Heard: blister in the sun on amandas sppppace who i took this from
S - Season: yeah spring summer interval
S - Shoe: nooooo
T - Time you woke: 10:59
T - Time Now: 12:10
T - Time for bed: okay
U - U love someone: everyone
U - Unpredictable: thats nice
U - Underwear: bathingggggsuit
V - Vegetable you hate: onions sometimes
V - Vegetable you love: mmmm kale
V - Vacation spot: throw me anywhere
W- Worst Habits: i think its that i dont have any habits, like showering or excerscing, or cleaning
W- Where are you going to travel next: very days a travel maynnnn, im travel'n to j street
W- Weather right now: fuckin beautiful
X - X-Rays: i don't do that shit
X - X-Rated Porn: take me to a theater
X - X-tra special someone: sasha
Y - Year you were born: 1989
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: mellow
Z - Zoo Animal: rhinos are sweet
Z - Zodiac Sign: virgo
A - Available: usually
A - Age: 16
A - Annoyance: the current smell of my room
B - Best Friend: nichole and amanda
B - Beer: guiness, which i just found out isnt veganfukkkk
B - Birthday: august 29th
C - Crush: the human race
C - Car: 89 bmw
C - Candy: commerce bank lollypops
D - Day or night: day
D - Dream Car: a free one that runs on loveee
D - Dog or cat: doggie
E - Easiest person to talk to: nichole
E - Eggs: no chicken periods for me, thank you
E - Email:
F - Favorite Month: may
F - Favorite color(s): red
F - Favorite Memory: probably california
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Giver or taker: giverrrr
G - Gum: no
H - Hair Color: brown
H - Height: 5'8
H - Happy: yeahhh
I - Ice Cream: wawa
I - Instrument: percussion
I - Idol: i like my popop alot
J - Jewelry: bug bracelet from insectropolis
J - Job: natttttural foodzZzzz
J - Jail: maybe
K - Kids: are the future, i love them
K - Kickboxing or karate: sarah kickboxing
K - Kindergarten: i peed my pants just about everyday
L - Longest Car Ride: FLA with the spices
L - Longest relationship: 4 months
L - Last Kiss: a last kiss, thats tragic, these are beginning kisses
M - Milk Flavor: ouuu very vanilla
M - Most missed person: sarah
M - Movie Last Watched: before sunrise
N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Number of Tattoos: 0
N - Name: Jillian Joyce Camera
O - One Wish: that i could spend the rest of my life laughing, (i'm sorry i cant think of anything better than that)
O - One Fear: not being fearless
O - One regret: oh don't do that
P - Part of your body you like best: feet
P - Part of your personality: my mell
Q - Quote: damnright that sluts my bitch she fuckin sucked my goddamn dick, haha i love that
Q - Question for the next person: do you believe in magic?
Q - Quick or Slow: slow
R - Random thought: i wish i had more birthmarks
R - Reasons to smile: sasha
R - Reasons to cry: to refresh
S - Song Last Heard: blister in the sun on amandas sppppace who i took this from
S - Season: yeah spring summer interval
S - Shoe: nooooo
T - Time you woke: 10:59
T - Time Now: 12:10
T - Time for bed: okay
U - U love someone: everyone
U - Unpredictable: thats nice
U - Underwear: bathingggggsuit
V - Vegetable you hate: onions sometimes
V - Vegetable you love: mmmm kale
V - Vacation spot: throw me anywhere
W- Worst Habits: i think its that i dont have any habits, like showering or excerscing, or cleaning
W- Where are you going to travel next: very days a travel maynnnn, im travel'n to j street
W- Weather right now: fuckin beautiful
X - X-Rays: i don't do that shit
X - X-Rated Porn: take me to a theater
X - X-tra special someone: sasha
Y - Year you were born: 1989
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: mellow
Z - Zoo Animal: rhinos are sweet
Z - Zodiac Sign: virgo
June 22, 2006
restlessness, no wakefullness, wakeness?
i have no desire to sleep. though not an abundance of energy as to where i might act on all my thoughts- just collecting. my brother just copied me the 1969 and 1971 pink floyd albums and i feel like i'll never have to sleep again. except ofcourse to gain energy to fullfill all these wonderful exciting inspiring thoughts im having. so eventually i'll go, maybe. dude, "zen shorts" i read that book once and cant get it out of my head. i need to own it, i'll do that tomorrow. i want to go to the beach too, maybe the bay. i want to paint. to submit some shit for AP art i need five pieces with a common theme to research and like 'represent' im a 2D form: brainstorminggggg i was thinking finding some peoples last words, like before they died, and creating those seeing as the people in question never got a chance to. or maybe that could be done with the living? what would your last words be? inspire meeeee. or maybe studing handwriting analysis and like collecting anonymous scraps with with someones handwriting on it and creating a dipiction of what ive learned from them from that. or voicemails emails my dog messages in water fuckinnn peoples reactions natural disasters microscopic images i want to take photographs i want to know people, introduce me give me a piece of you every moment is changing your life, every person you meet is life changing! or life becoming oh this is going to be fun
i have no desire to sleep. though not an abundance of energy as to where i might act on all my thoughts- just collecting. my brother just copied me the 1969 and 1971 pink floyd albums and i feel like i'll never have to sleep again. except ofcourse to gain energy to fullfill all these wonderful exciting inspiring thoughts im having. so eventually i'll go, maybe. dude, "zen shorts" i read that book once and cant get it out of my head. i need to own it, i'll do that tomorrow. i want to go to the beach too, maybe the bay. i want to paint. to submit some shit for AP art i need five pieces with a common theme to research and like 'represent' im a 2D form: brainstorminggggg i was thinking finding some peoples last words, like before they died, and creating those seeing as the people in question never got a chance to. or maybe that could be done with the living? what would your last words be? inspire meeeee. or maybe studing handwriting analysis and like collecting anonymous scraps with with someones handwriting on it and creating a dipiction of what ive learned from them from that. or voicemails emails my dog messages in water fuckinnn peoples reactions natural disasters microscopic images i want to take photographs i want to know people, introduce me give me a piece of you every moment is changing your life, every person you meet is life changing! or life becoming oh this is going to be fun
June 20, 2006
got two fillings today, and thank god cause i was feeling pretty empty. i got alot of stuff done in my room and i can't wait to get out. sometimes i would hope i'd had shitty parents so i could run away. i think i'd be good at it. i'd hop trains and eat day old bagels; fuckin good parents. whatever, the summer is sweet, i'm counting down the days to my two week retreat at parsons- i just hope i don't become a hermit. i could totally see that happening to me in new york. i love walking around so much with no need to talk to anyone i'm afraid that's all i'd do; fuckin ipods. let me blame everything on everything, please. thank you. actually i think my long for human connection is too stong, i want to know myself i need you to introduce me. oh i'm such a contradiction. oh my! how glamorous! please please don't come near my lilly white hands, please, my knees, they're so fragile. darling, darling, i'm going to go get touched.
May 24, 2006
I feel overwhelmed I'm hoping this will help. Putting things on the internet is weird, Ii feel like an ignorant wastiod haunted by a generation gap thinking that now my ideas are just floating around somewhere but it's true, I guess. I bled today and that felt good and I think Sasha's getting better. My room smells okay. I'm going to new york tomorrow but I really just want to sleep. I haven't slept when/where I didn't need to in a while. I want school to be over I hate going. I've just been reading in every class and I wish that was mandatory. Although today I didn't take anything away from what I read but I got alot whle reading it just didn't absorb I don't know what that means. It's going to be nice tomorrow and I will be happier than today and I was extremely happy today. Why do I feel like I never have any time? I look at these things in my room; my sewing mahine, yoga mat, japanese cds, canvases, books, and I wish I had time for them and I do. I'll go, leaving the internet with the comfort of camus "At least the sun still warms our bones." - on death.
May 19, 2006
think my favorite planet is actually mercury i just wanted to have more answers in sync with amanda
sorry for any inconvience
like if you bought me a tshirt or had me pencils made that said "i <3 zeb"
i will still take them
or give them to amanda
sorry for any inconvience
like if you bought me a tshirt or had me pencils made that said "i <3 zeb"
i will still take them
or give them to amanda
may 1st 2006
001. ringtone: static
002. middle name: joyce
003. sign: virgo
004. pets name: sasha
005. is your hair: brown
006. are your eyes: green
007. are your nails: translucent
008. are your socks: n/a
009. is your shirt: black
010. the closest thing to your left hand: thermos
011. what's in your pockets? money & a toothpick
012. are you hungry: no
013. are you thirsty: no
014. what are you sitting on: chair
015. where are you: my bedroom
016. is the light on: one is, one is dead
017. song listening to: these days
018. cookies or candy: cookies
019. kiss or hug: hug
020. school or work: work
021. apple or banana: banana
022. shower or bath: shower
023. cingular or verizon: cingular
024. ps2 or xbox: ps2
025. whipped cream or cherries: dumb
026. animal: dog
027. coin: nickel
028. pokemon: charazard
029. color: red
030. sports: yoga
031. what do you wish you were doing right now: cleaning
032. what's the last thing you bought: book
033. are you wearing a belt: yes, it's green
034. drink: rasberry green tea
035. song you played: your daddy don't know
037. words you said: hey baby how you doin (sasha)
038. word typed: sasha
039. place you went: barnes&nobes
040. person you thought about: amanda
041. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thought? my stomach hurts
042. When is the next time you will have sex?
the future
043. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"?
044. Favorite planet?
045. Who is the 4th person on your received call list on your mobile?
046. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
the speaker is blown
047. What shirt are you wearing?
a trex one
048. Do you "label" yourself?
049. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
050. Bright or Dark Room?
051. What do you think about the person who took this survey?
shes fun
052. What were you doing at midnight last night?
053. What did your last text message you recieved say?
fuck that you can do anything
054. Where is your letter box?
i don't know what that is
055. What's a word/words that you say a lot?
056. Who told you he/she loved you last?
057. Last furry thing you touched?
058. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
059. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
060. Favorite age you have been so far?
061. Your worst enemy?
062. What is your current desktop picture?
063. What was the last thing you said to someone?
hey baby how you doin
064. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you do?
065. Do you like someone?
066. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would u jump in front of the bullet for them?
067. If you could punch one person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be?
i don't have the desire
068. What is the closest object to your left foot?
its under my right leg
I'm sure this was really boring and I'm sorry if you read it i just wanted to see how many answers I would not have the change from Amanda's (11)
001. ringtone: static
002. middle name: joyce
003. sign: virgo
004. pets name: sasha
005. is your hair: brown
006. are your eyes: green
007. are your nails: translucent
008. are your socks: n/a
009. is your shirt: black
010. the closest thing to your left hand: thermos
011. what's in your pockets? money & a toothpick
012. are you hungry: no
013. are you thirsty: no
014. what are you sitting on: chair
015. where are you: my bedroom
016. is the light on: one is, one is dead
017. song listening to: these days
018. cookies or candy: cookies
019. kiss or hug: hug
020. school or work: work
021. apple or banana: banana
022. shower or bath: shower
023. cingular or verizon: cingular
024. ps2 or xbox: ps2
025. whipped cream or cherries: dumb
026. animal: dog
027. coin: nickel
028. pokemon: charazard
029. color: red
030. sports: yoga
031. what do you wish you were doing right now: cleaning
032. what's the last thing you bought: book
033. are you wearing a belt: yes, it's green
034. drink: rasberry green tea
035. song you played: your daddy don't know
037. words you said: hey baby how you doin (sasha)
038. word typed: sasha
039. place you went: barnes&nobes
040. person you thought about: amanda
041. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thought? my stomach hurts
042. When is the next time you will have sex?
the future
043. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"?
044. Favorite planet?
045. Who is the 4th person on your received call list on your mobile?
046. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
the speaker is blown
047. What shirt are you wearing?
a trex one
048. Do you "label" yourself?
049. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
050. Bright or Dark Room?
051. What do you think about the person who took this survey?
shes fun
052. What were you doing at midnight last night?
053. What did your last text message you recieved say?
fuck that you can do anything
054. Where is your letter box?
i don't know what that is
055. What's a word/words that you say a lot?
056. Who told you he/she loved you last?
057. Last furry thing you touched?
058. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
059. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
060. Favorite age you have been so far?
061. Your worst enemy?
062. What is your current desktop picture?
063. What was the last thing you said to someone?
hey baby how you doin
064. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you do?
065. Do you like someone?
066. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would u jump in front of the bullet for them?
067. If you could punch one person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be?
i don't have the desire
068. What is the closest object to your left foot?
its under my right leg
I'm sure this was really boring and I'm sorry if you read it i just wanted to see how many answers I would not have the change from Amanda's (11)
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